duomed soft 2easy info

Welcome to the easiest compression therapy ever.

A unique two piece compression system

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duomed®️ soft 2easy

Invented & developed by UK dermatologist, Dr Robert Lister

Light graduated compression (British Standards CCL1 and CCL2)

A unique two-piece system comprises a calf sleeve and an anklet

For the management of venous conditions and leg swelling

It's 2easy to apply and take off

duomed®️ soft 2easy is a unique two-piece compression hosiery system that includes a seperate calf sleeve and anklet. 

It is easily manoeuvred over a your feet and designed specifically for anyone who has ever struggled to put on compression stockings.

Management of venous conditions and leg swelling

Simply measure the ankle and calf to find the size needed

Light to wear, comfortably soft and breathable.

Welcome to the easiest compression therapy ever.

duomed compression stockings generally can be used for the following indications:

Chronic venous disease: C0s - C4 (CEAP)
☑️ Initial phase following varicose therapy
☑️ Congestion complaints & oedema in pregnancy
☑️ Postoperative reperfusion oedema
☑️ Post-traumatic, postoperative, occupational oedema
☑️ Medicinally induced oedema
☑️ Oedema due to immobility
☑️ Superficial venous thrombosis
☑️ Condition after thrombosis, post-thrombotic syndrome
☑️ Thrombosis prophylaxis in mobile patients
☑️ Inflammatory dermatoses of the legs
☑️ Nausea, dizziness in pregnancy


Advanced peripheral arterial occlusive disease
☑️ Decompensated heart diseases (NYHA III + IV)
☑️ Septic phlebitis
☑️ Phlegmasia coerulea dolens